Cassette Tapes & Vinyl
Bestia Arcana - Holokauston (CS)
Salvæ - Lealtad Hasta el Sol (CS) - RARE
Gravehill - Skullbearer (CS)
Gravehill – The Unchaste, The Profane & The Wicked (CS)
Heresiarch - Death Ordinance (CS)
Thantifaxath - Void Masquerading As Matter (CS)
Sarcasm - Within The Sphere Of Ethereal Minds (CS)
Буревестник - Образы мимолётные (CS)
Grab - Plague (CS)
Matar - Tyhjat Lupaukset (CS)
Forgotten Cairns - South of Hell (CS)
Kingdom of Agony - Visions From a Blackened World (CS)
Matar - 2007-2008 (CS)
Anima Nostra - Atraments (CS)
Vile Desecration - Absolute Blasphemy (CS)